

Shannon Price is an author, daydreamer, and creator of magic. She writes stubborn heroines on epic adventures, swoon-worthy heroes, and magical worlds rich with mythos. When not writing, she enjoys sipping coffee at local cafes, traveling, and playing the Harvest Moon video games. You can find her at @spricewrites on Instagram and beyond.

Books published

Languages translated

How many years writing


frequently asked questions

Are you a plotter or a pantster?

Pantster! But I’m slowly moving towards a hybrid of the two. I usually have an strong visual or epic scene that inspires the whole book, and I write towards that. 

Early bird or night owl?

Early bird. My best writing hours are between 8AM and 12PM.

Coffee or tea?

Coffee, 100%. I’m a big fan of the La Columbe canned lattes. So good!