Shannon Price is a critically-acclaimed Filipina writer of stubborn heroines on epic adventures. She is the author of A Thousand Fires and The Endless Skies. When not writing, she enjoys sipping coffee at local cafes, traveling, and playing the Harvest Moon video games. Find her at @spricewrites on Instagram and beyond.
Books published
Languages translated
How many years writing
frequently asked questions
Are you a plotter or a pantster?
I used to be a full-on pantster, but have moved towards the hybrid “plantster”, which leaves me room to be surprised by my own characters while still moving along a set trajectory.
Early bird or night owl?
A bit of both! For weekends I typically write first thing in the mornings, but for weekdays I’m much more consistent about writing at night.
Coffee or tea?
Coffee, 100%. I’m obsessed with La Columbe canned lattes. So good!